4 Ways to Boost Productivity

Productivity is the measure of how efficient tasks are completed. Being productive is important not only for the health of your work but for your mental health as well. But being productive isn’t just about checking things off of your list, it’s about accomplishing tasks efficiently AND consistently. Increasing productivity can have many positive effects on your business including increased business profitability and better client relationships.

In this quick post, I will cover 4 easy ways to boost your productivity by adding just a few things into your morning routine. Starting your day with a solid morning routine can greatly affect your mood, your interaction with others, and the outcome of your day.

Here are my recommendations:

  1. Meditate
  2. Eat Breakfast
  3. Make a To-do list
  4. Tackle the most difficult or dreaded task on your list FIRST!


Meditation can have many benefits including stress relief and relaxation. Take five to ten minutes in the morning to be quiet in your mind. Don’t think of that email you need to send or that call you need to make. Just clear your mind and sit quietly. You will be amazed at the effect meditation can have!


I am sure you have heard the adage “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, and it’s true! Having a healthy breakfast in the morning helps lower high morning blood sugar and kick starts your metabolism. Try to avoid too many heavy carbs, high protein, and sweeteners. Not only is having breakfast good for your body, but it also improves short-term memory and concentration and lowers cortisol, a stress hormone, which is at its highest levels upon waking. In fact, a new study shows skipping breakfast can increase the risk of death from heart-related conditions by 87%!!!

To-Do List

A to-do list can be a helpful tool to use to identify tasks that you would like to accomplish on any given day, week, month, etc. If you are like me, you are constantly making lists so you don’t forget things! I have sticky note lists hanging in several places throughout my house…

Having a to-do list helps you to get organized and enables you to focus your attention on the items you would like to accomplish. If you get side-tracked, refer back to the list. If you forget, refer to the list (lists are great for improving memory.) Spending approximately fifteen minutes making a list and planning can save hours of execution.

Tackle #1

Put that most dreaded task, you know, that one you have been procrastinating on…put that at #1 on your To-do list for the day. Then tackle that one first! You will be relieved, you will be motivated by checking it off the list, and the rest of your day will be a breeze! Crossing things off of your to-do list will give you a sense of accomplishment and get you moving towards your goals. And believe it or not, checking those tasks off of your list is a stress reliever, so check away!


  1. I completely agree with tackling a dreaded task early. You only have so much energy and it diminishes as the day goes on. Completing the difficult task first is key.

  2. Pingback:Unlocking Business Creativity: The Role of a Creative Coach - Breathe Easy Consulting

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