3 Signs You NEED to Hire a Virtual Assistant

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When you started your business venture, I imagine you were excited and energized by accomplishing the many difficult steps of building your business and watching your new creation grow. But the newness does wear off. The menial tasks start to pile up and you find yourself getting behind. You may begin to feel stressed or overwhelmed, instead of inspired and passionate. In addition, some of these items on your to-do list may not be appealing to you or your strengths. This is when you should consider calling in some help!

The decision to hire staff can sometimes be a difficult expense to justify when considering all of the other necessary costs of owning a business, but I encourage you to read on…hiring a virtual assistant can have many benefits for the health and prosperity of your business, as well as benefiting your mental, emotional, and physical well-being too!

Do I need to Hire a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is a professional administrative assistant who works remotely to serve multiple clients on multiple projects. Hiring virtual staff is ideal if you have an online or home-based business since no office space is needed. You can also save the full-time salary and hire on a project-by-project or hour-by-hour basis, depending on the kind of assistance you are looking for.

So you may be asking yourself, “Do I need to hire an assistant?”

Here is an exercise to help. This exercise includes a few questions to ask yourself to help you assess and identify which areas of your business or venture would benefit the most.


To identify areas of your business/venture where you could use the most assistance, whether it be initiating, maintaining, or growing your business:

-Make a detailed to-do list

-Review list

-Then ask yourself: Which of these tasks do YOU personally need to handle? Cross these items off of the list.

-Then ask: What tasks do you dread most or procrastinate on?

(These items would be at the top of the list to delegate to a professional virtual assistant since they are negatively affecting your motivation and productivity!)


Benefits of Hiring a VA

Besides having less work to do, hiring a virtual assistant has quite a few other benefits. If you would like to have an online presence, but have little knowledge of social media, you may choose to hire a virtual assistant to set up your business or venture on several social platforms. You may be wanting to create a website to promote your business, but don’t have the technical know-how. Many virtual assistants offer this service (and it’s cheaper than hiring a web designer or developer!)

Virtual assistants can perform a wide range of duties to help you accomplish more from typing and transcription to social media setup and management and so much more. Once you identify the areas you would like some help in the exercise above, you will know which duties you are looking to outsource and can begin your search for the perfect virtual assistant for your project.

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