Top 4 Tips for Driving Web Traffic and Growing Your Online Business

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Driving traffic to your website or blog can seem impossible, especially when you are just starting out. You may be asking yourself how other sites can grab the attention of thousands of visitors monthly and wondering if you will ever get there.

Well, I have good news for you! You CAN attract thousands of visitors to your website too and it’s not as difficult as you may think, especially if you follow these 4 tips to grab the attention of your ideal audience, begin increasing your traffic, and increase your following of raving fans too!


If you want to drive more traffic and become a successful entrepreneur, posting on social media platforms is essential for any online-based business. This not only allows you to engage with your audience and draw them in but also allows you to get your message out to a much larger audience than you would with traditional local advertising.

Another tip is to post on your social platforms consistently. Now I am not saying this has to be a daily task, just that you are consistent and your audience knows what to expect from you. You won’t get in front of your ideal client posting once a month.

And keep in mind that content is KEY! Be authentic, share tips and tricks, share a vulnerable story, share a post from another that spoke to you, or share a problem you had and how you solved it. Don’t only show up for your audience, but give them content that educates and entertains them.


Engagement is another important aspect of increasing your web traffic and growing your following. Respond to emails, engage in the social media posts of others, and answer comments on your own posts too. Make genuine comments, share tips, and answer questions for others. This is how to establish yourself as an expert in your industry and attract your tribe.


Pinterest can play a huge role in driving more traffic to your website or blog. If you are not on Pinterest, you are missing out!

For those of you who don’t know, Pinterest in a sort-of online bulletin board with all kinds of information on just about anything. You can create “pins” of various types and “Pin” to a board. I always create several pins for each blog post, as well as pins for my digital product boutique and other services I want to share.

You can create photo, idea, and video pins to share with your followers. These can be scheduled in Pinterest and shared in groups through Tailwind. You can also create a “smart loop” with your core business-based pins to automatically post to consistently drive even more traffic to your website.

Speaking of PINS…

PIN this Pin to a Board on Pinterest

Remember, Sharing is Caring!


As my kids say, sharing is caring. And it’s free.

Share an old post, share a related post from another page, share a vulnerable story, share a product, share a tip, share a problem and solution…you get the idea. Make sure you are sharing AND engaging. Sharing will help to drive more traffic and help you build a stronger bond with your audience in the process!

While driving web traffic can be slow at first, you CAN get the views you desire. Posting consistent and helpful information, engaging with your audience, pinning on Pinterest, and sharing creative and relevant content will have you well on your way to tripling your web traffic next month, allowing you to grow your following and your online business.

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